Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Sunday, December 25, 2011

It's officially Christmas here.... but I'm waiting on presents!

Oh this is painful.
I'm sitting here, alone in the dark, save for my christmas lights, tree and Samurai the sparrow sleeping in the wall. He didn't come back last night and I was worried he got lost in the hour long blizzard yesterday so I am so thankful he's flapping around tonight. I put two foot warmers on the metal circle, hoping those would warm him up. They don't feel so warm now, and it's only been 3 hours! Oh well, I tried.
Today, I got a peach flavored water out of the vending machine and it yelled "Merry Kuuriiismas!" at me when I put my money in. I thanked it, like a lunatic.
We still have to go to work Tuesday but that's it and then we get a week off. I left the office today feeling very proud:

The gingerbread man, wreath and Patrick Star were all made by me!

The other day me and Jonathan got on the completely wrong bus and wound up in the rural area of Aomori (before the nice bus driver called us a cab back) and it was funny... but I finally get to show you how much snow we have!!!! And this is apparently how I walk! Didn't know he took this until just now -
It comes up to my chest. YEAH. And aren't the mountains just lovely behind me?

And this was the shopping mall, and the lady with the KFC buckets that stood in the snow for like, 30 minutes waiting for the bus!

More update tomorrow, because my parents are on Skype and that makes me feel a little less sad!! :)

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tough day at the office.

I got to go to my grandma's funeral thanks to Skype this morning - it was great.
But I feel so sad that like, no one spoke about her. It may be me, but when I die, I want people talking - even if they are literally convulsing on the ground. So when I told my mom I was sad about that, she asked what I would have said.
Oh, I dunno. Just that I loved her and she was funny and I miss her.
Yep, eloquent.
Anyway, I was thankful to be there, even if the funeral home's internet was pretty BAD. And I would like to say a significant thank you to her, for being the only grandma I had that didn't walk out on my family. I really appreciate someone with the unconditional love like she had, because there are others in the world who are not so nice, and it's a crime someone like her had to leave this world.
Seriously, I just lost my only grandma and it just hit me. And it hurts.

Today was snowy, like it is every day. We officially have snow up to my knees and walking is very dangerous. In fact, they only have a tiny walk-way carved out in the massive sidewalks where one person can walk at a time. So if someone's coming the opposite direction, you either literally crash into them, or side step, which involves someone taking on a large amount of snow in your boot. I did that today for an old man ... not even a 'sumimasen' in reply ... JERK!
I also took a picture of the paper tree in the office with everyone's ornaments. I counted... I made 9. Could not stop. We're so doing this when I come home next year... it's a blast and you get to see how creative and fun people are. (And on the other hand, you get to see how lame and boring other people are, and you totally understand why you simply don't like that person). Amazing that you can gather that from a handmade ornament. Pictures tomorrow!!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

This is a ... snow plow?

Pretty sure I have a stomach virus.
But I'm the kind of person who worries that it's something far worse and it won't get better and then I should go see a doctor, which is embarrassing enough, let alone if I don't speak the language and need someone to go WITH ME... that's not gonna happen.
Tonight was the 'welcome' party for Jonathan which is stupid since he's been here for 3 months, and I announced that to the party because I felt a speech from me 'welcoming him' was ridiculous. Anyway it's still snowing and we didn't feel like hanging out afterwards so we literally just walked home -- didn't say goodbye, which looking back may not seem so polite, but at least my boss knows my tummy HURTS.
It's loud. I think between 10:30 and 12:00 am it's street cleaning time. I didn't get a picture of the giant monster that plows the streets (it's truly a cross between a tractor and a semi) but I got a picture of the back-up help...
There is a man in that bulldozer... it's the biggest piece of machinery I've ever seen.... even our bulldozers back home are dwarfs compared to this!! And this is still the baby!!! Tomorrow I HAVE to get a picture of the monster!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Sad news.

Last night was so exciting for me because my parents went back to visit my old school -
And I woke up when they Skyped me and asked what happened, and they didn't take that into account... first words were 'grandma passed away.'
Not a good way to start a day. I just feel like I've been punched in the gut... was able to miss my first two classes today but went in this evening and taught the other three. I managed to go back to sleep for a bit earlier today, and then got incredibly sick. And of course, had to go to work a half hour after that. The JHS girls were so nice - I didn't tell them - but they all bought me Christmas gifts (which was junk and candy, they know me well).
I find it odd, you know, I've been wanting to see a winter storm for so long now, and have been wanting it to snow a LOT and today was the day it did. It hasn't stopped yet, but that was actually nice to walk to and from work in. Kind of hoping my grandma can see me (only when appropriate!! Have you ever thought of that - and then had a sudden fear that they watch you while you're on the toilet? No?? That's just a Melissa fear?!) and since my grandma has never really gone on a vacation, I think Japan would be a great first stop for her.
There haven't been many tears. Just this horrible pain in my stomach.

PS - got a nice Christmas card from my Angie... made me smile today and I needed it!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Excellence can be found, even under a rock"

Today was normal, but tonight was so fun, and funny.
So first with my little girls class, we decorated butter cookies - 'cause sugar cookies just aren't around - with icing and sprinkles, did a small Christmas word search and made ornaments to tape up on the big tree in the office (made by yours truly... beep beep, that's just me tootin' my own horn). Even bought 8 dollar imported candy canes for the kids. Anyway, I had already made one ornament but it was kind of lame and adult-ish, so with the girls, I really ramped it up....
Didn't even know I was so talented, did you?
And then in my adult class we also made ornaments (and they really loved Patureekuu). We also worked in the text and I was teaching them what usual, always, hardly ever, sometimes, etc mean. So we were making up sentences; like I would say, 'I always wear clothes.'
So, one of the girls said, 'I always put in my eyes every morning'
I died. She was trying to say contact lens'.

Ugly, rainy day

This happened about a week ago but I forgot to share, and it's too cute not to.
I was biking to work in between snow-covered days, when the light turned green for my side to go. I looked and across the street was a pigeon. Poor little thing just didn't want to fly, so it walked from one side to the other. The cars had the light, but they literally stopped for the little pigeon to walk on by. Not only did it successfully make it, but it walked in a straight line, directly on the cross walk. OMG it was just too precious!! I congratulated it on my way by.
Other than that, there really isn't any news. Oh! Except at my business class, one of my students told me he and another person in the company are going to the US in a month to discuss issues with products in L.A. So I was trying to tell him what to eat, and what to see (what I remembered from 10 YEARS AGO... HOLY COW) and then he told me he miiight have to travel to a company located in Mentor, OHIO. And I slapped the table and yelled that he HAD TO GO! He'll find out more in the next few weeks, and I promised to do research and list off things to see and eat while he's in the US. Soooo lucky!!!! Kind of proud... and hoping he can handle all the English he's about to experience.
That's all I got for now. Our office Year End party is this Saturday but I don't think many students are coming - and I don't care. I just want the FOOD.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A face to the name.

Want to see the inside of my apartment - somewhat decked out in the Japanese Christmas hoopla?
Well, this is it. Probably the ONLY time you will see me willingly on camera. Enjoy it people.

PS - yep, those were underwear you possibly saw in the video. OOPS!!
PPS - don't you dare re-watch it for the underwear cameo.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Total lunar eclipse you CAN'T see back home!!

Tonight went from bad to ugly.
Found out from my boss/secretary that I have to travel to Sendai in a month for training... training in a job of which I will have under 3 months left at that point. (Sendai, if you remember, was definitely somewhat damaged by the tsunami) I am interested to see the city, mainly for the damage. Even if it's cleaned up.... I'm sure it's still obvious. But training is on my weekend, both days, and the b/s (ohhh, no - that's her new abbreviation; get over it!) is saying we won't be able to use those weekend days another time.
And then, I talked to a friend back home and for a while I've wanted to meet up with him when I come back 'cause I've definitely missed him and found out he's gonna become a dad. I don't know, I was just kind of holding out hope maybe we could go on a few dates... NOT NOW! So that REALLY just got to me.
After some bath time and rest time, someone on facebook alerted me to the outside. And I went out and it made me forget my problems - that is, until I came in from the freezing cold and sat down to write this:

It's not God, but it's pretty and I'll take it on a depressing evening like this! And sadly, the pictures can't do the moon justice. Not sure when I've seen a total lunar eclipse in the past - so a lucky sight!

HATE crying before bed!

No pictures tonight but I'm thinking I'll be uploading a few tomorrow.
Aomori's landscape has been undergoing a change recently. Due to the impending snowy winter, they build these giant wooden teepee's around bushes and trees. Usually it's in the shape of a teepee with the wood completely surrounding the top of the plant, but sometimes it's a flat roof. It apparently snows THAT MUCH, that the people said they must do this every year on the plants they want to 'save.' Whenever this snow starts, it must be spectacular!
Today was a long day at work and I was getting the shakes after my 3 hour marathon business class - maaaybe the 2 cans of coffee? (BOSS!) - so I ran to a little cafe where I got a killer breakfast sandwich back in the summer. Turns out you can only get that killer sandwich DURING BREAKFAST, but I ordered (off an English menu! So polite these people!) a ham and salami sandwich.. omg it was fantastic. It wasn't as filling, large, sodium packed or chewy as Panera Bread but it's for sure the closest thing to it in Japan. And my M size sandwich was only 390 yen. Which is cheaper than Panara. Or maybe the same price. Either way, I'm totally going there tomorrow.... and the next day! And the next day...?
It's possible that one of my students bought me a soccer jersey while he was in Nagoya last weekend. I wrote him explicit instructions, if he found it. I'm gonna pay him back, so I'm kind of freaking out.... kind of want to go into tomorrow in the mindset of negativity. Just so I don't get my heart broken. If he DID buy me one... there's ANOTHER picture that will be posted tomorrow :)
This evening at work, one of my mom's OLLLD christmas songs came on the radio, about this guy running into his ex at a store and they get drunk and then she leaves and the snow turns into rain.... anyway I almost started crying. I HATE that song, hated whenever my mom played it, but I remember one time sitting in front of old Kroger waiting for her and the song came on over the tape. Now it just makes me tear up. I really hope someone cries for me being gone from Christmas this year, 'cause I really don't want to be the only one super sad. You know what I want for Christmas? A heartfelt letter that could be 3 lines long just saying you will think of me and will feel sorry for me because - yes, I want your pity this holiday season!
PS - please pray for my grandma. She's not feeling so hot.

Friday, December 9, 2011

I live.

It's been a WHILE. Sorry, I kept thinking the past few days that I needed to update, but just became too lazy.
Thanksgiving dinner was a success. Everything tasted fine, even if I freaked at the chicken not cooking fast enough. Literally, there was nothing else special about that 'holiday'. We played some PS3 and watched some episodes of a funny show called Shin Chan. And Jonathan got a little tipsy, while I simply sat and continued to beat him up in FIFA.
Everything else has been pretty well normal. It has snowed, and some has stuck, but it always ends up melting. Tonight we got about an inch, and then it all immediately froze to the ground. Biking home was dangerous, but I did it... because I told my boss if I fell on the way home and broke my leg, I wanted the day off. (I told her that only 'cause she said I would be fine) UNFORTUNATELY, everything was fine.
I'm excited for this weekend -- I'm going Christmas shopping. Have to find things for my parents, more things for my dog and a few things for my friends here. Any ideas from anyone?
Sorry, Japan's been boring. I'll try to find a few pictures (if I've even taken any recently) and try to upload some. Promise I'll write more -- just hadn't heard from anyone lately and I'm pretty sure my parents haven't read this in like, 2 months.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

What's a turkey?

I don't want to write much, because I don't want to take away from your happy family Thanksgiving.
But I'm not having such a good time of it. Even with the snow falling, even when I ate Vegetable Beef soup from home, even yesterday when me and Jonathan went to KFC to eat our first 'Thanksgiving' meal. I want to go home. Or I just simply don't want to be aware of what day it is.

When Christmas comes, I think I may literally shut down my computer for a few days because everyone posting on Facebook about Thanksgiving is really bringing the mood level down in Mel's apartment.

You want to know what I'm thankful for? I was brushing my teeth last night when this dawned on me, and I broke down for a half hour. I'm thankful that my mom and dad have sacrificed so much of their time and money so that I could live this dream in Japan. It breaks my heart that they've done so much for me, and I haven't be able to do anything to repay them. They won't read this for weeks, probably, but I really, really realize what they've done for me and it's too much ... overwhelming.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Where are the snow plows??

Sorry it's been a few days!! I just don't feel like posting unless I have news, AND I DO:

Took this picture for my dad, cause he loves these Japanese looking trees:

I could see this in a magazine someday... the color is great and you can actually SEE the snow (if you look at the sky hard enough haha):

So yep! Snow has finally hit the city. Happened last night and all of today. Jonathan and I also decided to go shopping which was nearly suicidal with the slickery sidewalks. I ended up buying that cute little snowman above and thought I'd have fun when I got home and heard the snow hitting my kitchen window (I'm thinking it might be a certain time of year, but the snow is extremely icy). My neighbor was coming home as I was sitting outside my apartment taking pictures of the snowman and she must think I'm a lunatic. Oh well, it was fun!! More updates coming this week, because we're having Thanksgiving TWICE this week -- just like back home :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First snow of the YEAR!!!

The snow was so disappointing!! Nothing stuck, it barely flurried. But that was YESTERDAY. Today it rained! And I got soaked because I wasn't expecting it!! But when I traveled to my business class, I noticed a few tiny piles of snow on the ground and was thinking,
NO... WAY ?
And then as I rode the train on the way back to the city -- SNOW. It covered everything and it was beautiful. This area is just packed with tall trees, and it was a thousand times more beautiful than my backyard. Sadly, since it was night time, I couldn't get a picture as we rode through the country. But we stopped at a station and I snapped this:
I was like, totally PUMPED. And we rolled into Aomori station.... and there was no snow. It's either rain or very strange wet snow in the disguise of pure rain. I thought weather in Cincinnati was crazy... it's nothing compared to this place. But still, I'm hoping that snow over the mountain will find its way to my lazy city, and I can wake up with a winter wonderland of half an inch!! PUHLEEEZ!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Japan has lava lamps too!!

Hm, well I did what I actually SAID I would do this weekend. Laundry, sorted/put away clothes, vacuumed, and bought water. Didn't bother with canned food or anything else. EXCEPT I BOUGHT A LAVA LAMP!!!!!

Hahahaha I do need more yellow lighting in my apartment and this is yellow (with purple water), so it made me laugh. Nothing else is really new, this weekend was just about cleaning and then being a bum. The snow is still scheduled to fall tomorrow night - and tomorrow during the day, the mountains get the snow... we only get rain. BOOOO!!!!! Sorry, kind of a boring entry. Hopefully I'll be able to get some great pictures tomorrow night and upload some snow action!!! Wish me luck!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Getting ready for winter!

Just a few random updates:
Snow has started at the very tippy top of the tallest mountain. I love waking up every morning because it's been sunny every day for a week, and you can clearly see the mountain with snow. Better news is that Weathernews (yep, all one word cause Japan isn't so hot on spaces) is saying that it will snow HERE, IN THE CITY on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. I'm not sure how much... all it shows is a picture of a snow man. Haha their pictures are hilarious here!! This weekend I have decided to clean and take stock of what I have and what I need before the winter of discontent (according to my friend, Colin).
In other fun news, Japan has unveiled a new Pepsi flavor: PEPSI PINK.
STRAWBERRY AND MILK FLAVOR. Ummmm, it's definitely an interesting ride. Jonathan hated it but I kind of like it. Weird but oddly enjoyable. I'm lucky, that's 2 strange Pepsi's only available in Japan! Usually it's only 1 a year!
And finally, I saw some cool things on the walk back from my business class...
Never seen starfish in their native habitat and there are HUNDREDS of them!! They're so cool to see!! The photo definitely doesn't do their colors justice.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Weekend Update

So it was almost a productive weekend.
In order to appease my mom and keep her off my back since she continues to think I absolutely do not socialize with people outside of work, I will tell you what I did. Saturday night I went out with Christina, her brother and his school friend. We ate at Gusto (which is kind of like a Denny's, but cleaner 'cause it's Japan) and then we went to Puri-kura. I wanted it - so they humored me. The photos are HILARIOUS but I could only get a clear picture of one, and the other I was able to download for free. Sadly, you won't be able to see the rest....

Sorry, that second picture I only wanted to upload it to Facebook, so I didn't really include the others... Christina's eyeball made it tho.
And Sunday I went curling with Jonathan. You know that sport (or, perhaps you DON'T) that they show during the Olympics at 4 am? Yep, it's huuuge here. It was a nightmare - very difficult on my knee - Waow I sound like I'm 50. But, I'm shocked I didn't break it!! I definitely fell more than anyone else yet, I was better at sliding the weight down the lane. The lesson was 3 hours in Japanese with 5 other Japanese people we didn't know. I understood about half of what the guy said and the other half I just watched the others before me. Some coach at the arena had a camera out when I was getting ready to push off and throw my weight thingy but I exploded and told him 'NO.'
I'm not Canadian, I'm definitely not even close to looking decent, so I don't need anyone making fun of my picture on some wall of shame ... which I don't want to know about.

AND THEN. My mom's box came and I've played The Sims for the majority of today. Except for a pause to buy a few groceries and MAKE TACOS... YEP! It was taco night at the apartment and I ate ALL 10 OF 'EM (in 2 days, not at one sitting). It's a great game, I made my Lexi and she literally runs around the yard all day while I'm off at work as a rock star knocking her ball around. JUST. LIKE. REAL. LIFE.
So, it's nice to watch computer Lexi be as crazy as she is back home :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 months left! WAOW!!

During today's crucial mid-morning nap (because the neighbors are really loud at 8 am in the morning), I had one of my reoccurring dreams. Not the taco bell one, but the one where I am back home and I'm having a great time. Actually, now that I've thought of this, each dream I've had where this happens, I am spending more and more time at home and am not JUST back to EAT TACO BELL AND LEAVE. Anyway, I was having a swell time back home with my dad and I suddenly remembered I LIVED IN JAPAN and had to get back because winter break was almost over and I had to teach class. And I remember thinking in my dream that there was no way I was going to get back when I had to work in 2 days. This dream really bothers me, taco bell humors me. I'm usually so happy in this dream and then I literally begin to panic. An overwhelming panic.
5 MONTHS. LITERALLY. TO THIS DAY. (my contract is a little shorter than I originally thought) And I can go home!
Work is better. We've made up and kind of moved on. I really think a big part of it is that Melissa is a LAZY BUM and hates putting forth effort of any kind. At least I can admit that I have a problem! But only on-line... you'll never hear it in person ;)
DAD!! I downloaded the second season of The Munsters! I have like, 40 episodes!! I didn't even know they made that many in one season!!! They're so great... I was completely born in the wrong decade.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Well this is officially the start of the Holiday season.
In a month, it's Thanksgiving. In two, it's Christmas and New Year's.
What's difficult right now is that I'm not home. I'm here in Japan. Where they sell Halloween decorations, but yet no one actually knows when Halloween happens. And of course, Thanksgiving is not a holiday outside of the US. Christmas is celebrated but I don't think it's the same. There's no way.
Anyway, today I went to dinner at my favorite restaurant and got 500 yen off my dinner (woooo for Point Card!) and bought some milk and English Toast. I told one of the guys at Family Mart that 'Kyou wa Halloween in America.' LOL that's some major broken Japanese! And he asked if I was heading to a party.
Yep, in my sweats and wooly hat. Ya got me.
Went a bit psycho on the candy... ate a bag of Jelly Belly's and a couple of handfuls of Skittles all while watching Shaun of the Dead. I have these two decorations pictured here:
that I had going during the movie. The 'boo' candle is actually like a 10 inch long candle that I had to keep cutting with scissors to make it fit without causing a fire hazard. My mom would have freaked but everything was safe and the candles all burnt out on their own because they apparently just don't make candles like they used to (in the USA).
I miss being at home and passing out candy and having a neighborhood snack-fest. And worrying that my dog will get too close to the fire. And watching The Munsters -- I thought about that tonight. I am thankful my dad has such great taste in TV because I remember my mom telling me one time she thought The Addams Family  was better.... that show sucks!

Friday, October 21, 2011

A few shots of my parents trip.

Gomen nasai!
I'm REALLY sorry I haven't posted in quite some time. See, first my parents came and they went to bed at like, 6 pm every night. They also liked to hijack my laptop for their own personal uses. AND after they left I cried for 2 days and couldn't bring myself to look at pictures about our adventures.
But now they've been gone and I've almost made it through today without crying (but I still feel lonely), so here are some pictures:
The arrival

Mom was pretty good using the timer feature on her camera

One of my adult classes and my parents

Up in Mt. Hakkoda

In front of the Nebuta Museum (which they never went to!)

The Aomori Bay.

Me and my dad in front of a pole that commemorates something

There are literally hundreds more, but I don't want to spam my blog. I'll upload a few every day for the next few days!

Monday, October 10, 2011

and now my day is RUINED!

So I went fruit picking.
And it was really fun. It was great taking pictures and getting to try different kinds of fruit -- there was this one kind of fruit that I've never seen. The middle of it, you had to peel and then eat this grayish purple blob... it literally looked like one of those crab grass worm things. Anyway, it was horrific and possibly the worst fruit in the history of the world. The others were normal! Asian pears (TONS OF THEM. WHICH WAS FANTASTIC), normal pears, and AMERICAN grapes! Woooo!! We ate lunch there, and the mom is a great cook.
It was time to leave and I THOUGHT we were going straight home, but it turned into a 'sight-seeing' trip in the car. Which basically meant they drove me around the prefecture and said "oh this is this store in Hirosaki."
I was being so polite -- they'd ask if I was tired and 'no, not really!' But two and half hours later something was CLEARLY lost in the translation and after the fourth time of being asked - YES. YES I AM TIRED! I got home at 5 pm and threw open my front door screaming that I HAD SO MUCH TO DO TODAY AND I WASTED IT ON SOME STUPID FRUIT!!!!!!!! Then screamed some very angry sounds and went shopping. It's okay though. Looking back, I probably just should have said I needed to get home earlier. Oh well, learned for the next time!! There won't be a next time.
Whew. Well, enjoy some pictures pre-meltdown:
Mountains are juuuust starting to turn!

Mt. Iwaki... the Mt. Fuji of the north.

I have like, 5 pictures of just her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fruit picking!

I'm going fruit picking tomorrow morning! Assuming it's going to be apples - that's what Aomori is famous for. So one of my students and her 5 year old daughter (one of my students too!) invited me and the mom called me earlier tonight to ask if I ate rice balls... which I do, as long as it has tuna. She said her daughter 'requested sandwiches.' HAHAH!! I love me some samma'chiz!
That just reminded me to charge my batteries for my camera... now I gotta get out of bed and  no scratch that. I'll just bring a pair of non-rechargeable ones in case these die. So obviously, pictures will hopefully be up tomorrow!!
Please pray for my grandma.... she's in the hospital, not doing so good :( Wish I could be back home.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Ah, I remember thinking 'I have to write about this when I get home tonight.' earlier today.
At this point, I am very used to people staring at me. Occasionally they try to say 'hi,' which I usually tolerate. Such was the case today: but I can't lie - I never looked at the guy. I was going down the escalator to get on my second train and he was coming up into the station. And I heard him yell "GAIJIN!"(it's means foreigner) and then he yelled "Hello!!"
And I didn't move.
So then he SCREAMED "HELLO??!!!!"
I didn't even flinch.
I heard him mutter something in Japanese and I just rolled my eyes. First of all, I was trying to nap on the inbound train, and that's not easy.... anytime you start falling (literally, we've all  been there), the train lurches or blows the horn and you're violently made aware of your situation. So I was exhausted. And secondly, I'm tried of being noticed. SO TIRED OF IT. Most people are not as bold as this guy, but that's the kind of crap I don't want - ESPECIALLY IN THE MIDDLE OF A VERY CROWDED TRAIN STATION. As shocking as it may seem to these people, I am not an animal and I do not belong in a zoo. Please don't act as if you've seen a wild lion walking through Hirosaki station.
It's embarrassing (maybe more so for him) since I didn't even give him a glance. In my mind I was loudly shouting that I was French since I wouldn't pass for Spanish - it just draws even more unwanted attention. I can't wait to go home and NOT have people look at me. Seriously, if you even think of telling me I look great/hideous, I will smack you in the face.
A simple, 'I missed you!!' will suffice.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Short update!

No exciting news today - except telling my students my parents would be sitting in their classes in 2 weeks!! The junior high kids seemed ... well, I'm not sure how to describe their emotions. It certainly got them all chattering to each other. That's Halloween week (the school's celebration) anyway, so we'll be doing some crafts instead of actually studying from the text.
And the adult class seemed really excited. One of my students was asking why people were losing their houses and if it had to do with the loans they took out. Couldn't even try that - so when my dad comes, he can have a LONG discussion because he's an expert! Yay Dad!! You won't just be sitting there, smiling while Mom won't stop talking!!!
Also tonight I'm starting to sleep with goofy things for my parents to take back home and let Lexi sniff and play with them. Like a bandana and a baby shoe... maybe I'll find some socks for tomorrow. So pathetic but today she was really trying to look for me on the computer!! It made me so happy!!!! I miss her so much :(
Weather was great today. Tomorrow looks nice too. But then rain and rain. See you tomorrow (I think!)
 Wish I was back home with my best friend!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


My parents got their itinerary for their trip and so, it's ALMOST official. It'll be official official when I see them. I'm getting a little excited. I've been making a list of things I need to buy before they come (which stinks, because it's been cold, and it's a long trip on my bike to buy these important things) and what we could do when they get here. Personally, I think just sitting in my apartment sounds like a fabulous option, but they might be pretty disappointed if that happened.
Remember in my last post that I wrote about maybe seeing the snow on the mountains if I woke up early enough??
THERE IT IS. Look past the hundreds of wires and THE SNOW HAS LANDED!!! Waow, I love snow. I hope it snows soon!! But maybe hold off until my parents get here and bring me my winter coat.
This will definitely be the longest week of my life. Boo to that :P

Monday, October 3, 2011

I caved, the heater is ON!

Yesterday was SO productive that I felt today should be lazy.
And so, it was. Unless you count me filling up the kerosene and starting the heater - which always gives me a splitting headache. That's the only time when I keep my windows open anymore. Actually, on the Japanese weather channel it showed that it was going to snow in the mountains today/tonight. Maybe if tomorrow is clear enough first thing in the morning and it STUCK, I could see it!!
The past few days have been too cold to go out to shop or eat. So I've been eating in - it's a record 2 days in a row!! That's why I've asked my mom to bring 100 Easy Mac packets when she comes. Seriously, you think 45 degrees isn't bad. But when you factor in rain and a BIKE, it's a big Debbie downer. I envy you people with cars.
Oh, okay so I know all of the school's are back in session now. Remember backpack shopping for your kids, and how you occasionally complained when they wanted a 60 dollar backpack because it was 'cool?' (I know I do!) This is a standard backpack in Japan, and this is the cheapest I've seen... so I took a picture!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

my 7th graders!

Sorry it's been a while.
But there's really just nothing new. All I do is work and then go home and play games on my new PS3. I tend to lose track of time and then glance at my blinding blue clock in the living room and yell when it reads 3:10 AM. 
It has gotten cold, fast. Right now the temp is at 46 and it's been raining for a few days. Today was super windy too. I haven't used the kerosene yet but I really may have to this weekend. Cold rain is the worst. I'd really prefer snow at this point.
MY PARENTS ARE APPARENTLY COMING IN UNDER 2 WEEKS?!!? (Not a good sign that even THEY don't know what day they'll arrive... aaand I'm not sure how they'll call me but we'll figure something out)
So tonight my apartment was in serious need of cleaning. And that's what I did: vacuumed, did some laundry, cleaned the dishes, the sinks, the mirror, the toilet, cleaned out the 'garbage disposal' (a disgusting and smelly task), took out the garbage and now all I have to do is change my sheets and pump! Up the bed -- HAA!! If you read that to the tune of the 80's song, you're the greatest.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Action shots!!

How about some action shots of Melissa at work?

The kid hiding his face is um, ACTIVE but this past week, we had a GREAT CLASS. So, hoping the good behavior continues.
Naomi loves yelling at me to stand up straight. I was explaining this phrase to my students and I posed as a joke -- and she somehow managed to capture it on film. PS- my shirt is tucked into my skirt so I've got a funky granny pantie going on.... but it's my T-SHIRT.

Today, I traveled and bought a PS3! It's white. White must be THE IT color this year in Japan. I mean, the guy didn't even offer the black one.... only the white. I had to bike it home and that was a challenge. Then I set it up and configured the internet (oh I am such a genius, I love me). And then it was time to vacuum and other things. Tomorrow's entry, I will share with you the joys of ham. Yes, ham that you eat on a sandwich.