Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Monday, September 26, 2011

Action shots!!

How about some action shots of Melissa at work?

The kid hiding his face is um, ACTIVE but this past week, we had a GREAT CLASS. So, hoping the good behavior continues.
Naomi loves yelling at me to stand up straight. I was explaining this phrase to my students and I posed as a joke -- and she somehow managed to capture it on film. PS- my shirt is tucked into my skirt so I've got a funky granny pantie going on.... but it's my T-SHIRT.

Today, I traveled and bought a PS3! It's white. White must be THE IT color this year in Japan. I mean, the guy didn't even offer the black one.... only the white. I had to bike it home and that was a challenge. Then I set it up and configured the internet (oh I am such a genius, I love me). And then it was time to vacuum and other things. Tomorrow's entry, I will share with you the joys of ham. Yes, ham that you eat on a sandwich.


Anonymous said...

Love the action photos--you look so nice and friendly =) Proud of you biking home with a PS3. your mom and I went biking today and I found a big sign along the path that I thought E would like but we didn't get it. Would have been fun to see us biking with that!

And I'm always proud of how techno savvy you are. You and your generation . . . .xoxo aunt jenni

Anonymous said...

From mom-Love how PROFESSIONAL you look!! Of course, I agree-stand up straight. You are too pretty to have bad posture!! Only 36 hours till I see you and who knows how long till I see your students!! Love Mom MILY