Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Total lunar eclipse you CAN'T see back home!!

Tonight went from bad to ugly.
Found out from my boss/secretary that I have to travel to Sendai in a month for training... training in a job of which I will have under 3 months left at that point. (Sendai, if you remember, was definitely somewhat damaged by the tsunami) I am interested to see the city, mainly for the damage. Even if it's cleaned up.... I'm sure it's still obvious. But training is on my weekend, both days, and the b/s (ohhh, no - that's her new abbreviation; get over it!) is saying we won't be able to use those weekend days another time.
And then, I talked to a friend back home and for a while I've wanted to meet up with him when I come back 'cause I've definitely missed him and found out he's gonna become a dad. I don't know, I was just kind of holding out hope maybe we could go on a few dates... NOT NOW! So that REALLY just got to me.
After some bath time and rest time, someone on facebook alerted me to the outside. And I went out and it made me forget my problems - that is, until I came in from the freezing cold and sat down to write this:

It's not God, but it's pretty and I'll take it on a depressing evening like this! And sadly, the pictures can't do the moon justice. Not sure when I've seen a total lunar eclipse in the past - so a lucky sight!


Anonymous said...

I think God was telling you several things--like He has someone special waiting for you (and not a baby daddy), that He's created an awesome world full of wonder (the pictures of the moon were gorgeous), and that He loves and will provide a way for you. He has blessed you with this awesome opportunity and He has many things He wants to teach you. So buckle up and go along for the ride. The Lord NEVER disappoints! OK--enough preachin'!

xoxox aunt jenni

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of the moon. Maybe a career in photography? I didn't see the eclipse, I forgot. Glad to see it through your eyes.

Love Mom MILY