Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Friday, October 21, 2011

A few shots of my parents trip.

Gomen nasai!
I'm REALLY sorry I haven't posted in quite some time. See, first my parents came and they went to bed at like, 6 pm every night. They also liked to hijack my laptop for their own personal uses. AND after they left I cried for 2 days and couldn't bring myself to look at pictures about our adventures.
But now they've been gone and I've almost made it through today without crying (but I still feel lonely), so here are some pictures:
The arrival

Mom was pretty good using the timer feature on her camera

One of my adult classes and my parents

Up in Mt. Hakkoda

In front of the Nebuta Museum (which they never went to!)

The Aomori Bay.

Me and my dad in front of a pole that commemorates something

There are literally hundreds more, but I don't want to spam my blog. I'll upload a few every day for the next few days!


Anonymous said...

'Bout Time!!!! Those pictures are gorgeous (minus your mom's hair.) Can't wait for the "good" pics to post!! We'll skype tonight. xoxoxo aunt jenni

Anonymous said...

I’m just glad your mom didn’t start an international incident. Aunt Jenni is right, what is up with your mom’s hair? Stay strong.