Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tough day at the office.

I got to go to my grandma's funeral thanks to Skype this morning - it was great.
But I feel so sad that like, no one spoke about her. It may be me, but when I die, I want people talking - even if they are literally convulsing on the ground. So when I told my mom I was sad about that, she asked what I would have said.
Oh, I dunno. Just that I loved her and she was funny and I miss her.
Yep, eloquent.
Anyway, I was thankful to be there, even if the funeral home's internet was pretty BAD. And I would like to say a significant thank you to her, for being the only grandma I had that didn't walk out on my family. I really appreciate someone with the unconditional love like she had, because there are others in the world who are not so nice, and it's a crime someone like her had to leave this world.
Seriously, I just lost my only grandma and it just hit me. And it hurts.

Today was snowy, like it is every day. We officially have snow up to my knees and walking is very dangerous. In fact, they only have a tiny walk-way carved out in the massive sidewalks where one person can walk at a time. So if someone's coming the opposite direction, you either literally crash into them, or side step, which involves someone taking on a large amount of snow in your boot. I did that today for an old man ... not even a 'sumimasen' in reply ... JERK!
I also took a picture of the paper tree in the office with everyone's ornaments. I counted... I made 9. Could not stop. We're so doing this when I come home next year... it's a blast and you get to see how creative and fun people are. (And on the other hand, you get to see how lame and boring other people are, and you totally understand why you simply don't like that person). Amazing that you can gather that from a handmade ornament. Pictures tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

Glad you were able to be there too last night. We were all talking about how many Harry sayings actually come from his mom. "You want something done you call Harry Lee," "I wanted to do more," and the whole reason I call your dad "Hate." She was exactly what you think of when you think, "sweet, little old lady."

Can't believe how much snow you have! Would like a little dusting about now--but not a hassle type snow. Keep being kind--even if they don't say---whatever that word was----it will earn you points in heaven!

xoxox aunt jenni

Anonymous said...

Don't forget your mom spoke at the funeral! I spoke for all of us. Just be glad you will be able to see her again in Heaven. Someone to greet you up there!

Be careful today, you told me via skype that there is a blizzard coming. I don't want you to get lost or hurt somewhere. Just go outside and take pix for us. Love Mom MILY