Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Short update!

No exciting news today - except telling my students my parents would be sitting in their classes in 2 weeks!! The junior high kids seemed ... well, I'm not sure how to describe their emotions. It certainly got them all chattering to each other. That's Halloween week (the school's celebration) anyway, so we'll be doing some crafts instead of actually studying from the text.
And the adult class seemed really excited. One of my students was asking why people were losing their houses and if it had to do with the loans they took out. Couldn't even try that - so when my dad comes, he can have a LONG discussion because he's an expert! Yay Dad!! You won't just be sitting there, smiling while Mom won't stop talking!!!
Also tonight I'm starting to sleep with goofy things for my parents to take back home and let Lexi sniff and play with them. Like a bandana and a baby shoe... maybe I'll find some socks for tomorrow. So pathetic but today she was really trying to look for me on the computer!! It made me so happy!!!! I miss her so much :(
Weather was great today. Tomorrow looks nice too. But then rain and rain. See you tomorrow (I think!)
 Wish I was back home with my best friend!!!


Anonymous said...

From mom-Picking up a TON of glossy pictures of Lexi today. I hope you like them. Also, you have some good pictures of our yard and house to show your friends/students. I know yards are different for them to see. Can't wait to see you, I just hate the prep and travel time! Love Mom MILY

Anonymous said...

Saw Little Lexi this morning--her eye is back to normal. And she was her normal jumping, crying, excited self!! xoxo aunt jenni