Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ugly, rainy day

This happened about a week ago but I forgot to share, and it's too cute not to.
I was biking to work in between snow-covered days, when the light turned green for my side to go. I looked and across the street was a pigeon. Poor little thing just didn't want to fly, so it walked from one side to the other. The cars had the light, but they literally stopped for the little pigeon to walk on by. Not only did it successfully make it, but it walked in a straight line, directly on the cross walk. OMG it was just too precious!! I congratulated it on my way by.
Other than that, there really isn't any news. Oh! Except at my business class, one of my students told me he and another person in the company are going to the US in a month to discuss issues with products in L.A. So I was trying to tell him what to eat, and what to see (what I remembered from 10 YEARS AGO... HOLY COW) and then he told me he miiight have to travel to a company located in Mentor, OHIO. And I slapped the table and yelled that he HAD TO GO! He'll find out more in the next few weeks, and I promised to do research and list off things to see and eat while he's in the US. Soooo lucky!!!! Kind of proud... and hoping he can handle all the English he's about to experience.
That's all I got for now. Our office Year End party is this Saturday but I don't think many students are coming - and I don't care. I just want the FOOD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can picture that scene with the pigeon--I'm picturing him with a top hat and a cane. and when you congratulated him he tipped his hat. Pretty sure that's what it looked like.

You know you're going to be like someone on Survivor when you come home. You're going to run out and eat Taco Bell etc. and then you're well, going to just have the runs. Better give that man a heads up on how some good old American food can hit your digestive track!

xoxo aunt jenni

Sent my box today--some good surprises in there!!!!!!