Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Talented kids back home!

I remember when I was around 12, Tamagotchi's were HUGE. And it was such a big deal to bring them to school because they were awake and pooping during teaching hours. So of course ANYONE who was cool brought theirs to school because God forbid that thing DIED while you were learning your division tables. But nowadays the 12 (and 13 and 14) year olds have Facebook. Right now I'm chatting to a really cool girl at my old school (Hi Bianca! I won't get this taken away from me, because I'm sitting on my couch hahah) and I think it is just hysterical and beyond talented that she can be on Facebook during class.
Back when I worked there, I was quite obviously the cool teacher because I didn't give a hoot if the kids cussed around me. I mean, I didn't ENCOURAGE it and I did get a bit upset if they dropped the 'F' bomb, but you can't expect them to censor themselves all the time (Teachers certainly don't - when the students are out of the room (Little teaching fact there)). But if you think about it - when I was a kid, we had desks. And Tamagotchi's were like... the size of a golf ball. Now, at least at my old job, they have tables - not desks. And cell phones are the size of... well, cell phones. And honestly, the teachers back at Wilson were WAYYYY more lenient than the teachers at CPS. Plus it was the 90's and I remember the biggest scandal that rocked our grade was a boy and a girl caught kissing under a coat on the play ground (ew. And I still remember who they were.... Evan and Jeanna). The scandals at CPS.... Well, I'm trying to keep this blog AGE APPROPRIATE.
Japan update - um, today was first day back to work since "summer vacation" and it was alright, it hasn't stopped raining in 48 hours and it's COLD. Like, 65 degrees. I almost want to turn on my heater, but that's retarded since 3 days ago it was 90. IN MY APARTMENT.
Here's MY 6/7th graders and their wish for the year:

Ah, just like the ones back home - but without the fighting. Or lewd behavior in class :)


Anonymous said...

Do they write right to left? Looks like it. They have very neat handwriting too. Looks like Japan cares about penmanship!! Love Mom MILY

Anonymous said...

why do they write right to left and down? Who's the girl who wants a new boyfriend? pretty funny!! xoxo aunt jenni