Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Monday, August 15, 2011

Pizza Hut and Conveyer Belts.

FINALLY HAD MORE AMERICAN FOOD!! Er, restaurant American food. A Pizza Hut opened at the beginning of this month 45 minutes away BY BIKE. And I met my friends there last night - I ordered a large 'cause I had been saving myself all day for it. And Fatty McPorker  here ate all but 3 little slices. I swear if I hadn't gotten thirsty I would have finished the entire pizza! My friends admitted to be impressed. YES! It was not as good as back home: less cheese and stuffed crust has mainly cheddar cheese. But whatever - it was greasy and nasty and DELICIOUS.
The other night I went out with my friends to a sushi bar. My second time eating at a sushi place and my first with THIS:

Very cool. They liked to make fun of me because I ordered so much food and didn't eat all of it. Couldn't help it! The food spun around on a conveyer belt (and I've ridden one before, when I worked at Target... the higher ups weren't so appreciative of my fun-loving antics back then) so it was enjoyable to grab all the fish I could!
And then when you wanted food that wasn't available on the conveyer belt - you ordered on the touch screen and it arrived via shinkansen (a really tiny one). So advanced, this country!!


Anonymous said...

learning to like sushi? The guy sounds French not Japanese. Is it Kristina's brother? Do people put their food back if they grab the wrong thing? Only I would worry about that.
Love Mom MILY

Anonymous said...

you rode your bike 45 minutes?????? Color me impressed! I LOVE the conveyer belt--sounds like something America would have--like at Golden Corral. We scream sitting and picking food off a moving tray. Did you feel any like Lucy & Ethel? xoxoo aunt jenni