Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Monday, August 22, 2011

1/3 of the way through!!

It's late but I feel like posting a little bit.
There really hasn't been ANYTHING new which is kind of depressing. Tonight I went shopping with my friend, Kiko, and we went to this store called Don Quijote which literally has EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE. The store really isn't organized, and it's super tight so God help you if you are in the same aisle as someone else. Especially if both of you are holding baskets. I bought lots of great things.
After that we went to some restaurant that's maybe called Donkey's? It reminded me of restaurants back home - with the weird knick knacks everywhere. They served Japanese hamburgers, which is pretty much salisbury steak. Mine came with cheese (and mushrooms, Kiko kind of forget to mention THAT) in the middle. AND OMG. THERE WAS THIS SIDE DISH -- IT WAS CORN PUDDING. My mom makes that some times and it tasted EXACTLY LIKE IT! MOM!!!! I was nearly moved to tears!! And it wasn't because your cooking is horrible.... but because it was GREAT!! I can't wait till you can come and try it! Waaow. It made my night - too bad it was like, 3 fork-fulls :)

My Saturday kids always like to draw me and they were really excited because they knew how to write 'sensei' in English. So sweet!

Anyone ever try these Pringles? I've got 4 cans currently in my house.... Addiction? The Chock-o-bee's are good too!

CORN PUDDING!!! With peas... and a red pepper that I picked out:

My hamburger steak and fries :)
Happy 4 months, to me!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on reaching 1/3! The food looks halfway decent. Almost edible. Not sure your mom will eat the corn on a trip--isn't that on her forbidden list--along with eggs and salad? Wouldn't touch onion flavored Pringles. Why did your kids draw you hunched over? You look like me!! xoxoxo aunt jenni

Melissa said...

LOL!!!! I didn't notice that I was hunched over!!! Actually, one of the girls little brother likes to scribble so I think that's a scribble instead of my body... at least I hope so!!! XD

Anonymous said...

We will be eating there when we come over. Everything looked normal and edible!! Can't wait. Do they do delivery? Does anyone do delivery over there? That would be something useful to find out! Glad you appreciate my cooking! Love to hear that Love Mom MILY