Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Monday, August 8, 2011

Aomori's back to normal and I'm HAPPY ABOUT IT!

It's hot. And for whatever reason at night, it gets ugly humid outside so opening windows isn't a great relief. Tonight was the last night of Nebuta and I went to watch the fireworks with my friend Rosie. She works at another English teaching school. There were hundreds of thousands of people at ASPAM (think WEBN fireworks, but you're smack in the middle of it) and we kind of found an open patch of concrete (aka - wasn't claimed by a tarp) and we watched for about an hour before we were both like:
'eh, want to go eat?'
The fireworks were just like any other fireworks. They have different designs here like a butterfly and a weird spiral and other things I'm forgetting. But it's the same. They make the same sound. So we ate dinner and then biked around and talked about funny things. Too bad she's leaving in October :/
Here are the pictures I promised:

FINALLY MOM! It's English and Japanese writing - TOGETHER!!!

The boys were sleepy. Well, Ryuya was.

More blimp action! Had to take these pictures because Genbi kept pointing it out to me anytime it flew over head. 

Extra close up of a Nebuta float. Today they burned them and tore them up... a stupid tradition.

Our sushi snacks.

WOOOO!!! Miwa's mom, me, Miwa's husband and the famous Miwa. She got her hair did before the parade - so I look like poo compared to her. :(

By the way, got a really great card from Cheryll -- THE PICTURES OF THE APARTMENT ARE COMING!!! Just as soon as it cools down enough for me to clean without dying of heat exhaustion :)


Anonymous said...

I love the kimono. You look very pretty! Love Mom MILY

Anonymous said...

I think destroying the floats is our version of stepping on a sand castle. Kind of fun. I think you look pretty in your kimono too! xoxo aunt jenni

Melissa said...

Thank you Mommy. And thank you Aunt Jenni :) :) :)