Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Friday, August 26, 2011

A few new faces.

I really enjoy when people message me on Facebook and ask the all important question:
What time is it?
Sometimes I don't even get a 'hello.' Truly, I enjoy when people do this, and I especially like it when people I rarely talk to pop up and have this intense need to know the time in Japan.
Our new secretary is AWESOME. She knows English, which is a huge plus when wanting Melissa to like you, and she's smart at the job. She also worked at one of our company's schools in a town that has now been wiped off the map by the tsunami. She said the quake struck during a class with 2 little older ladies, so everyone had time to run to the mountain to survive. Her apartment was left standing but she lost many things due to the dirty water that came inside the building -- I am very thankful she is here now.
On a greater note, today this guy came into the school and said hello to me. I had no idea who he was - I thought he was having a level check. Turned out he was the copy man, who will (I guess?) help us with our copier and computer and that kind of stuff.... He knew a little English and I have never had such a cute guy talk to me in Japan. He gave me his business card, and his first question to me was:
'How old are you?'
WE'RE BOTH 25! SCORE!! And I didn't see a ring on it!! (hahaha oh, Beyonce) I'm seriously thinking of throwing the copier out of the fourth floor and calling him for help. I'll do whatever it takes.... although the new secretary doesn't seem in favor of that idea. I mean, the guy was wearing cologne... I just thank God I put on perfume today!

My little buddy, Ko the other day brought in this for me to see (I didn't get to drink it). I can name every player in the picture!:

Ko and Yu drew on the board and this week's competition took on a soccer theme (I wrote World Cup 2011 under their Japanese... says the same thing, the kids just can't spell that)

My student and her grandma brought me a souvenir: a sweet cookie made of........ powered eel. IT'S DELICIOUS!!! Seriously!!!!! 


Anonymous said...

I'm all about the copy guy--you don't have to throw it out the window--just keep jamming it! Does he live near you? That's awesome!! We want our little Gosselin babies:-) Wouldn't eat eel--sorry--couldn't get past it. Keep copying!! xoxox aunt jenni what time is it?

Anonymous said...

I'd try eel cookies just to try them. Is the copy guy a new copy guy or have you not had one? If he gave you his card, maybe he wants your contact info? Love Mom MILY