Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Monday, August 8, 2011

Last post of Nebuta related things.

The night I was with Miwa during Nebuta, there was this little girl and her older sister in front of us. We were behind this little railing, and they were right in front, sitting on the road. She kept looking back at me a lot during the parade and after it was over, I was sitting on a ledge and this little girl kind of sneaks around and sits next to me and says:
'Konban wa' (Good evening)
Her mom, sister and her grandma were all around watching her and laughing. So I laughed and said good evening and she just kind of sat there with a cute smile on her face. Finally I asked her what her name was (Onamae wa?) and she answered with her entire name and I didn't understand ANY OF IT. Her mom helped and said her name was Nono-chan so that was really sweet. I like that kids aren't really afraid to talk to me - but adults are. Unless they're wasted, then they're just obnoxious. So, here's a video - and you can see Nono-chan... can't miss her with that pink kimono and braided hair :)

Miwa and me are saying the word 'saiko' which is pronounced like 'psycho' in English. It means 'THE BEST'. So Miwa isn't calling me crazy, she's calling me the best! D'awww.
PS - I got the best "package" from Aunt Jenni. The minute I opened the Tina Fey card I started cracking up.... that's one of my favorite lines from 30 Rock :) THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

Why are the adults afraid of you--your strength? The little girl looks adorable. Do those floats spin?? 'Cause that's totally awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Melissa said...

Yeah 'cause I am a tower of strength... no the floats only spin if the people pushing them decide to make the entire cart spin. So, any spinning you (may?) have seen was the magic of man power.
Which is impressive because those floats weigh 4 tons.

Anonymous said...

The little girl is so cute. You seem to still draw them like a magnet. Did she know any english? Did she want to touch your hair? Anyone still interested in your hair? The opening band last night was asian and I couldn't understand some of what they were saying. It would have been interesting if you had been there and could have understood something! Love Mom MILY