Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Missing my old students.

Ah today is a bittersweet day!! My old school starts a new year today and I don't know... I want to be there, because I want to see the kids. I remember this time last year I drove to work every day and listened to the album The Boy Who Knew Too Much by Mika. Ironically, I listened to it because Mika has such happy music and I was utterly depressed to be going back. And now that I'm listening to it tonight, I'm feeling a bit depressed - perhaps for what I'm missing this new school year (continuous hair loss, borderline starvation, disagreements with other workers, DAILY screaming, quietly hating my job, sharing with the 6th graders that I hate my job...) Okay that last one only happened after I knew I got my Japan job. Oh, but I miss those 6th graders. Although in all honesty, I never got to work with them other than some mini-lab thing, and their lunch - so I didn't see them often. And I miss a handful of my ex co-workers too. They know who they are.
I didn't like it there. But I don't like not being there. I'm even shedding a few tears over this miserable fact. See? Teachers still think about their students, even after they've gone. Good luck to them all - they need it! Especially those teachers :D


Anonymous said...

A good teacher loves her kids even if she doesn't truly love her job!! We all hate our jobs at one time or another. You can probably come back to another position in the school. Give it some thought, there were good and bad things! Love Mom MILY

Anonymous said...

You never know where life will take you. You might wind up there again someday. Hopefully things at the school will get better. It is a great thing to care for the kids so much. You've always been like that. Keep the faith...

Love Dad...

Anonymous said...

it's CPS--it's never going to change! But you might find a job doing what you enjoy there--like listening to kids cuss:-) I think it's sweet you miss those kids--you probably had quite an influence on them and I'm sure they miss you too!! xoxox aunt jenni