Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


My little students tend to forget the world around them when something extremely exciting comes their way.
Today, it was American Pokemon. I brought my DS and one of my little buddies, Ko, got to class 20 minutes ahead of time to play with whatever I happened to have with me. So today he was dead set on defeating the 6th gym leader and it was amazing to watch him play. He can't read English, but he could recognize words like 'metal claw' and 'bubble'. (Clearly, CRITICAL English words to know right there - I mean, I say 'metal claw' about 60 times a day, don't you?!)
Eventually the secretary in our office came in to ask what they were doing... Yu and Ko were playing frantically 15 minutes after class was over. I didn't have the heart to kick them out, though I did ask about their 'okaasan' who was undoubtedly waiting in the car, highly irritated at her child's English teacher.
They flew out the SECOND they won the battle and welp, they forgot all kinds of things. Ko left his 4 color pen and his pencil case (it's a Puma case... the kid has serious fashion knowledge... and he loves soccer) and Yu left my favorite toy of all time .....
MURASAKI!! (purple!!!)
I'm thinking of taking loads of pictures with Murasaki doing funny 'American' things and showing them to Yu next week. Like, he could be eating a dorito. Or he could be cheering on the USA Women's Soccer Team (whoa! Totally going to take pictures of that TONIGHT!!) Ah, kids are so lucky to have a big kid for a teacher :)


Anonymous said...

I'm sure they're learning in a way they never expected!! (and I think it's awesome:-) Don't know what the toy is--never heard of it. Guess I'm a "lame" American!

Melissa said...

no you're not lame ... who ever you are. It's not a special toy, it's just some little pose-able purple bear. I asked the little girl on the first day if it had a name and she said no, so I said it needed one... she asked what and Murasaki popped into my head.
It means purple. So this little guy has a name, but isn't a cool toy that everyone has over here :)