Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My answer to taco bell

Let the fanfare begin... Melissa has made tacos!!!!!!
It was shaky and she was terrified of salmonella so she waited until the night was over to tell you if it was a success or not (because you know, the sickness would have happened by morning) AND IT WAS A WILD SUCCESS!!

Murasaki enjoying an American home cooked meal.

I mean, I went out. I bought the ingredients. I washed the lettuce. I cooked the meat.... I felt like a real adult. But man, dishes are a PAIN, especially after all that work. You just can't relax. This was the first time since coming to Japan (and really, EVER in my life) that I cooked/made dinner that didn't involve -- wait, I did use a microwave -- but that wasn't already pre-made. WINNING!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! You know the boys ask me all the time why I don't make tacos. Now when you get back you can make them for our Sunday night dinners!! Tacos have a lot of steps and then the clean up--I think that's bi-winning! Proud of you!! XOXO Aunt Jenni

Anonymous said...

you can only get salmonella from uncooked chicken.

Anonymous said...

Next time you cook, make a double batch so you can freeze some and have enough for another night. Did you get taco seasoning from home or there? Do you need anything else to cook with in the next package? I'm so proud to see all you are doing!!! Love Mom MILY