Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Melissa finally tries sushi!

So today I was teaching a private lesson to Miwa, when we randomly started talking about what my parents should try when they come to visit in October (Mom and Dad - Miwa is very excited). I admitted that I still, after 3 months, haven't tried sushi and she apparently was so distraught over this sad fact that she ended our lesson 5 minutes early and took me to a sushi restaurant in the fancy A-Factory. Let's just say I had a poor idea of how it would taste...
From left to right we have prawn, tuna and sea urchin sushi. Prawn and tuna were alright... sea urchin was disgusting and I immediately spit it out of my mouth. 

Tuna sushi ice cream cone. Pretty good... I mean, I won't be buying this again, but it didn't taste bad. It's NOT ice cream - just the seaweed is wrapped like a waffle cone.

More tuna sushi (Miwa ordered it because I told her I KNOW I like tuna) and on the right is... scallop sushi. Ew.

Cucumber sushi! Mom even you can handle this. It's just cucumbers and rice and sesame seeds.

So the meal went better than expected. I was truly a spectacle to watch because people kept staring hard core. Whatever, those ice cream cone sushi's are REALLY hard to eat.... I mean, you have to bring your sharp, vampire teeth with you when you wanna chow down on those bad boys. And this meal cost around 70 dollars. Unreal and totally not worth it -- give me 70 Whopper Jr's. instead!! :D


Anonymous said...

Proud of you trying it. That and the earthquakes make your visit complete. Never tried it either and I'm guessing I would only like the tuna. Glad you can mark that off your Japan bucket list--now back to McD's! xoxox aunt jenni

Anonymous said...

I don't like fish or cucumbers. I guess I will stick with McD's. Or PB & J. I could live on that. Do you dip the sushi in something? I think that is what some people do in America. Still not interested. Love Mom MILY