Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mag. 6.7 quake!

People of America!! Japan has made national news! (for you guys) Yes, this morning I was woken up by some seriously violent shaking... at first I kind of thought I over slept and my mom was shaking me to tell me to get the crap up, but then I realized I live in Japan now and I knew it was an earthquake. It was definitely big and I waited a few seconds for it to stop, but it didn't - it got worse. My overhead light was hitting the ceiling and I got up out of bed (literally, my bed is an air mattress on the floor) and stumbled through my apartment to the front door. I threw that sucker open and just stood in the middle of the frame, clinging to both sides. My apartment building was rocking HARD CORE and the metal walls next to my front door, which hold things like the gas meters and all that, were rattling. Every time I thought it would stop, it wouldn't and you could hear it just as much as you could feel it. It was SO LOUD it was unbelievable.
I ran past my clock at 6:54 am - and that earthquake started at 6:51. Around 6:56 it finally stopped and holy cow I have never been so afraid in my life. Ran to my laptop and called my house. Thankfully my dad looked it up online right away... it was a magnitude 6.7. Stupid me finally remembered I had access to Japanese news and turned on NHK - which had a tsunami advisory issued for the east coast (and they later cancelled it, YAYYY!!!) I shook for 20 minutes solid after that earthquake... I guess from fear, or adrenaline... on the plus side: MY PANTS STAYED DRY!!! ^__^ ;   <-- fun Japanese smiley face

The fact that this woke me up, and the fact that it was shaking so hard that I couldn't stand up straight told me I had a reason to actually be afraid this time (instead of the others, which now are like nothing). The students and my friends were really nice about it and said it was definitely a bigger one. Let's just hope they aren't saying that out of pity for the stupid girl who fought the urge to run outside into the streets - SCREAMING.
Ah, I'm telling you guys, it is NEVER boring here!

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