Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Friday, June 24, 2011

Donuts and Spaghetti!

It's been 2 months now that I've been in Japan and I'm happy to say that just means one day closer to seeing my mom and dad and dog!!! It also took 2 months for me to finally develop the courage to go into the doughnut shop (Mister Donuts... or Mistaa Donuts) because it was 100 yen day and you just can't beat "dollar donuts." It's scary when you know the people don't speak your language and you only have a severely limited amount of words to work with. Anyway, the time came and I walked up to the counter and simply said,
Jyuu pon de ringu kudasai.
(10 um... ringed donuts? please)
Of COURSE there are multiple kinds of pon de ringu and I was on the other side of the donuts I wanted. So it was kind of funny as the lady pulled out one tray and I'd shout "IIE!" or no, but thankfully she pulled the right ones the second time. I was ridiculously proud of myself and how can you not be, with such yummy donuts and a CUUUUTE box!!!!

Oh and okay, this has nothing to do with donuts, but one of my kid students forgot to do his homework and hurriedly tried to finish it in class. We were going over a conversation asking for spaghetti and he obviously was paying attention!!
I laughed SO HARD that I cried and I told him I had to take a picture... and of course the girls in the class had to run over to see what it said and they laughed.... so he tried to fix it and I counted his homework because of the hilarity that you see here :)

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