Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Friday, June 3, 2011

Gonna buy a helmet ASAP!

I'm almost finished with putting everything in my apartment together!! Tonight after work, my friend Ayako came over and she helped hang the curtain rod for my all important black-out curtains. Actually, she pretty much did it all... I just stood there and held it up for support. Tee hee... so to repay her, we had a glass of apple cider I bought, and watched a little bit of live American TV. She said she really misses America... I DO TOOOOO.
Nearly CRASHED my bike on the way to work today! Sometimes I have to ride in the street, because my bike isn't a mountain bike and nothing's really smooth in Japan... therefore the road is the best bet. Welp, a car was coming and being a LOSER, I swerved to the side a little too fast in a bit of a panic-mode and kind of went out of control - running into the curb. That's one of those moments where you sit there and go "whoooaaaa!" out loud ...
and then you realize there's an old lady walking on the other side of the street who you KNOW is bashing this stupid foreigner who absolutely doesn't know how to ride a bike in her head. NOT MY FAULT 'O BAACHAN' (grandma)! I feel like I'm in the E.T. movie - with a little basket in the front... and sometimes I have my hood up, 'cause it's cold... I really should have practiced at home before coming here!!

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