Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hoping I don't feel alone tomorrow.

Whoooa Nelly today was not such a great day.
Everyone here looks the same (now, they would probably argue that, but let's face it.... they do). But not only do they look the same, they talk the same, they all wear suits and panty hose, and all the girls laugh alike. Anyway, today our secretary is leaving, so she's training 2 new girls to take her place. All day long I had to sit there and listen to them chatter away and giggle... and my word, girls here giggle like freaking ... well, like THIS:

They're SO LOUD and it's SO HIGH... I mean, do ALL women sound like this? 'Cause I know I don't!
It's all I heard and after crying a few tears, I couldn't take it. I left (on a break, no, I wouldn't walk out of a job) and I bought some Haagen Dazs and sat over-looking the bay and ate my ice cream and played Angry Birds for a half hour. I was just so angry and sad that I don't fit in here. Even if I looked similar I'd feel better. But I'm just so unbelievably different and it's heart breaking at times.

On the plus side, my job turned into my old one for a split second when one of my students erased the board that had our "rankings" of Crazy 8's. Little Ko was first and he got mad that Yu erased his name and he burst into tears. He's the kid who wrote 'spaghetti' on his homework a boatload of times and so I started asking him if he wanted spaghetti and it took him a bit, but he laughed. And eventually he was buckled over laughing so hard because we sang the spaghetti song to cheer him up. And it reminded me of my old job... where I was miserable, but I had to make my little kids happy. Why that cheered me up, I have no idea.

On the plus, plus side... those girls are exactly alike? Well, it's HOT and Japan hasn't heard of antiperspirant (stinky)... guess it's not so horrible being different after all! SSSNNNNNAAAAPPPPP!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Back home, a while before I left... actually, I think even before I told my parents I was thinking of teaching in Japan, my mom bought this crazy Japanese drink called RaMuNe. Ramune is a pop... er, soda for people not in Cincinnati and it's GOOD. But weird. It has this marble in it, and it's honestly hard to open and head for the hills when you do because it sounds like an explosion. Well anyway, I FOUND IT HERE!! It was at the 100 yen shop! (I LOOOVE that store!) And it has one of my favorite Japanese anime on it (no, not weird, gross anime. Cute, funny anime... they do exist, I swear) It's Shin Channnn:

He's this kindergartener who says really inappropriate things. I think it's more kid-friendly here in Japan... but back home, there's swear words galore so keep the kids FAR AWAY.

I'm trying to remember back when I was first learning to read. Here, if I can read a symbol (or two in a row, if I'm lucky) I can actually sort of figure out what it is I'm reading... like the middle line says... Shi Nu (so I assume, chan is after that) and then the last line says __ Mu __ so I naturally assume it says Ra Mu Ne!
I hope I'm right or I look pretty stupid to you right now - if you can read Japanese. Whatever people, I'm tired. So if you live in Cincinnati and want to try Ramune, either go to that big liquor store (party source? Wow I've been gone 2 MONTHS and I've forgotten names already?!) or ask my mom where she got it. There's no alcohol in it, so it's safe for kids! We just happen to sell it at a liquor store... silly Cincinnati XD

Monday, June 27, 2011

A 'How-To comment' post.

This is an entry to help the "old people." If you are  50  49    46  or over, you can blame my aunt for heartlessly dumping you in that category. This excludes the fabulous Jeff Folkens who managed to do this all on his own. Way to go, Jeff!
Alright! First you're gonna wanna click on the comment (underneath my entry) which looks like this... only it'll probably have 0 comments...
Once you clicked on that, you get this screen... the big white screen is to write your happy comment (and your NAME) and then... YOU MUST select this 'comment as' window and there at the very bottom is 'Anonymous.' Do that.
Then there will be a word you have to type, it shows you what it is... it's in case you're a robot, because I don't want robots browsing my blog and commenting however they like. Anyway then you click submit, or okay, or whatever and ding, dong, ding.
Now that I went to all this trouble, DO IT. ... Please :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011


ATTENTION! YOU WANNA POST A COMMENT?! GO RIGHT AHEAD, I changed the settings and now ANYONE with a computer and this link can comment away. But be sure to tell me your name or I really won't have a clue who you are, and I honestly don't know who reads this, other than the people my mom and dad tell me (hi Dave and Joyce).
Oh, hey Sue!! I got your students letters... they are HILARIOUS!!!! And SO cute!!!!!! I'd love to write back, but it's summer : / but if you still want me to so you can read it to them next year or whatever, I totally will!!!!!!!
That was my housekeeping... now comment after this. I'm begging you.
There was a baby earthquake that happened in the middle of the night... it was so baby-ish that absolutely NO ONE I've talked to woke up, but you know I did. Rocking in my sleep is just not natural. And I did worry for a few minutes... I'm talking near panic, but it was so light and it didn't last more than a few seconds.
Two things:
A) It is NOT fun knowing that you live on a "ticking time-bomb."
B) I dislike sleeping now because I've been woken up 3 times of the 5 earthquakes I've experienced -- and the Casey Anthony trial happens to go on in my middle of the night which is a severe inconvience.

Mom and Dad made my night tho, and they don't even know it yet! :)
Thank you for a box that Japan customs had to search through... probably jealous of this sweet shirt.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Donuts and Spaghetti!

It's been 2 months now that I've been in Japan and I'm happy to say that just means one day closer to seeing my mom and dad and dog!!! It also took 2 months for me to finally develop the courage to go into the doughnut shop (Mister Donuts... or Mistaa Donuts) because it was 100 yen day and you just can't beat "dollar donuts." It's scary when you know the people don't speak your language and you only have a severely limited amount of words to work with. Anyway, the time came and I walked up to the counter and simply said,
Jyuu pon de ringu kudasai.
(10 um... ringed donuts? please)
Of COURSE there are multiple kinds of pon de ringu and I was on the other side of the donuts I wanted. So it was kind of funny as the lady pulled out one tray and I'd shout "IIE!" or no, but thankfully she pulled the right ones the second time. I was ridiculously proud of myself and how can you not be, with such yummy donuts and a CUUUUTE box!!!!

Oh and okay, this has nothing to do with donuts, but one of my kid students forgot to do his homework and hurriedly tried to finish it in class. We were going over a conversation asking for spaghetti and he obviously was paying attention!!
I laughed SO HARD that I cried and I told him I had to take a picture... and of course the girls in the class had to run over to see what it said and they laughed.... so he tried to fix it and I counted his homework because of the hilarity that you see here :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mag. 6.7 quake!

People of America!! Japan has made national news! (for you guys) Yes, this morning I was woken up by some seriously violent shaking... at first I kind of thought I over slept and my mom was shaking me to tell me to get the crap up, but then I realized I live in Japan now and I knew it was an earthquake. It was definitely big and I waited a few seconds for it to stop, but it didn't - it got worse. My overhead light was hitting the ceiling and I got up out of bed (literally, my bed is an air mattress on the floor) and stumbled through my apartment to the front door. I threw that sucker open and just stood in the middle of the frame, clinging to both sides. My apartment building was rocking HARD CORE and the metal walls next to my front door, which hold things like the gas meters and all that, were rattling. Every time I thought it would stop, it wouldn't and you could hear it just as much as you could feel it. It was SO LOUD it was unbelievable.
I ran past my clock at 6:54 am - and that earthquake started at 6:51. Around 6:56 it finally stopped and holy cow I have never been so afraid in my life. Ran to my laptop and called my house. Thankfully my dad looked it up online right away... it was a magnitude 6.7. Stupid me finally remembered I had access to Japanese news and turned on NHK - which had a tsunami advisory issued for the east coast (and they later cancelled it, YAYYY!!!) I shook for 20 minutes solid after that earthquake... I guess from fear, or adrenaline... on the plus side: MY PANTS STAYED DRY!!! ^__^ ;   <-- fun Japanese smiley face

The fact that this woke me up, and the fact that it was shaking so hard that I couldn't stand up straight told me I had a reason to actually be afraid this time (instead of the others, which now are like nothing). The students and my friends were really nice about it and said it was definitely a bigger one. Let's just hope they aren't saying that out of pity for the stupid girl who fought the urge to run outside into the streets - SCREAMING.
Ah, I'm telling you guys, it is NEVER boring here!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The worst stuff on earth is...

I'm sorry I'm not able to snap pictures of myself while trying new foods here in Japan. The "mom-aged" ladies of my first class today brought me natto, and it is without doubt the most horrid thing I have ever eaten. First of all, it is exactly like snot from your nose. It tastes like that, it's sticky like that and if you happen to have objects the size of soy beans in your snot, then well you pretty much have natto in your nose. And oh, did these ladies LOVE IT! 4 of them had their cell phones out snapping pictures of one of the ladies stirring it up for me (because I know I wouldn't have eaten it if I had to stir it with soy sauce) and of course my horrific reaction... they pretty much yelled at me to drink my water and the second I swallowed, it came right back up. But then it went down again and ... dear Neptune.
I do honestly wish I had a camera crew with me, because it was a COMPLETE Karl Pilkington moment and it's all I could think about. Get this guy to Aomori. This isn't even the worst Japanese food around.... apparently there is something so foul that you can't cook it in your house or people get very angry because it stinks to high heaven. Before I ever set eyes on natto, I asked one of the ladies what it smelled like.
Her response:
A foot.
I concur with her findings. And yet they LOVE THE STUFF! Honestly, I'd much rather eat a cricket (you know, the BUG) than this crap again - I am dead serious. And it took hours for the urge to puke to go away. They asked me if there was any foods that stink, yet we eat it in America. Only thing I could think of was eggs. YEP. PASS ME THE CHEEZ-ITS, I'M PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

It's bay time!

Today was brutally hot. And I only say that because I don't have air conditioning and houses here just aren't insulated. So according to my digital clock/thermometer it was 85.5 degrees at one point. Now it's a cool 80.6. I went out to buy 4 tiny containers of ice cream (you know our awesome gallon sized ice creams? Nope, haven't seen anything close to that size yet) and then curiosity got into my head and I went searching for the bay. I found it! And it's not far from my place!!
The railing protecting you from the bay's water.

I think that triangle is a light house? Maybe??

Big boat of some kind in the harbor.

ASPAM building! Triangles are big around here.

Again with the triangle lighthouse... but this time you can see out into the bay.

No idea what was going on over there, fire maybe?

We're just relaxing! It's pretty quiet minus the construction work going on behind the birds.

One of the many piers and the water.
I remember why I don't like living by water... it smells. It smells all salty and it makes me wanna throw up. But I do what I can so you people don't stay bored!

A typical 'church' festival in Japan

If this is "church" festival season in Japan, it'll never end. There's so many shrines and temples and luckily we found a festival they were throwing!! LET'S GO!!
This is my fortune! I am a little bit lucky. So was Yomo and his mom, Ayako. Very interesting fortune.

Hahaha little Yomo hiding behind his fortune... love this kid!!

After reading your fortune, you tie it to a rope under a tree. Yep, guess who tore hers trying to tie it in a knot? -- WELL it shouldn't have been made of PAPER!

Festival time! It's a Pikachu sucker!! And it was only 400 yen!! (that's ridiculously expensive for a sucker and I didn't know how much it was until after I picked it up and had my heart set on it)

This is where you wash your hands (and occasionally your mouth) at the shrine. Ew. But I am a fan of that dragon.

WHAT IS THIS?! Our best guess was that it was a dog... anyway, here's a side shot of my ice cream.

This just screams Japan doesn't it? Well, it better because it certainly does to me.

I'm just thrilled to have paid 5 yen to ring a giant bell and make a mockery of myself.

Ayako's gonna be so mad that I posted this on my blog! ... if she knew I had one!

Walk-way to the temple. Love these things!!!!!

Love them so much I wanted a picture with one! (And notice Yomo on the bottom left)

Offering... place? That's a basket of vegetables behind me people. Much more practical offering than money, if you ask me. Churches back home could take a few notes!

They set off fireworks to signal the start of the celebration. I freaked out and Ayako's husband got that in a picture.

The family shot my mom has been DYING for... here you go Mom... and they know all about why I had to take it.

This is a nice area in a crowded, gray city.

LITTLE HARU!! He can slurp noodles better than me and he's 2!!!

His chopstick skillz are maddd too, yo :)

And Yomo handles chopsticks better than me. Yep, I was so fascinated that I had to take pictures.  


Saturday, June 18, 2011

I bought a pet to keep me from being bored.

When I was little, Tamagotchi's were all the rage. Remember those things? Of course you do if you were my age, or had a child my age. Parents rushed out to buy those stupid little eggs with a little BLOB that Sally or Timmy Jr. could take care of in place of a real animal who makes fudgies.
People! Tamagotchi's are STILL around! Even in the US... but more so in Japan and seeing as I truly believe the greatest years of my life are OVER, I'mma try a bring 'em back! (Don't panic Mom, this bad boy sells for over 100 DOLLARS in the US... and it cost me under 30. And I can sell it when I get back... or give it to one of my kids. Growing into a smart shopper here!)
See, I used to have Chewie, my guinea pig, but he died back in January. And since my parents won't be shipping Lexi anytime soon (and would kill me if I bought a REAL pet) this is a great alternative -- YOU'RE WELCOME.
I leave you with an iPhone app called Kawaii (cute) Megu Pet. This thing was free and the translations are top notch. Makes me laugh every day and I need that!!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Even adult students can make my day!

When you think of the word 'student,' you typically think of a younger person... NOT SO! And I prefer it this way. Many of my students are older than me... some way older. Like today, I have a lesson with this older lady and she is always bringing things to school to share with me. 2 weeks ago it was this fabulous cream cake, last week was sweet bean paste (that was awful, but I'm nice and stomached 2 bites... she thought it was funny) and this week she brought a KIMONO... one of her own kimono's for me to try on.
Actually, she explained at the end of class that she does this because she has no brothers or sisters and I told her I was exactly the same. Aw, her face lit up and jeeze, she has to be the cutest 60 year old I've ever met. I love her. My mom may be crying as she's reading this... (we can talk more about her later, Mom!!)
She's actually in the background!! I had no freaking idea how to put this on, so she did everything for me and I felt like a little boy who was getting his tie straightened by his mom. She said the length was pretty good but the sleeves were WAY short. I didn't know I had such long arms :)
And I look HORRIBLE in this picture. Now we can all laugh about Melissa's non-attractiveness at work!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kids are the best!!

Old news, but last night there was a big earthquake. And by big, I mean the biggest I've felt in my life (okay it was a 5.3 so, yeah that's a big'un to someone from Cincinnati). For a moment, the thought entered my mind to run and grab my video camera, but all you would have seen were my clothes swinging back and forth and my APARTMENT CREAKING - that was freaky. I was scared and of course I called my parents in a panic but everything was fine and my dad sent me a really nice link of current Japanese earthquakes. Thanks Dad :)

My last post was sad, and I thank my kid students I had today, who just have that way of knowing how to cheer me up. My 4 year olds are precious and one of the girls' moms told our secretary that her daughter has started speaking English at home and that she's only just started since Melissa took over. WHEEEE. That made me smile and gah! they are just adorable kids.

And afterwards, god bless my evening kids' class... the kids are like, 8 or 9 and they're phenomenal. Just, amazing. I always give them my iPod, or today, I gave them my Nintendo DS and they played Mario Kart and Pokemon while waiting for class to start. Anyway, they immediately came up to me and asked "Melissa... tamagotchi?" because I had told them I REALLY REALLY want one now that I'm in the country of tamagotchi. No, sad face, I don't have one... so one of the little girls (who brings so many toys to class... I absolutely ADORE THAT) let me look at hers for a bit.
I came to Japan to grow up and honestly, I don't think it'll EVER happen. Hey, I tried Mom!!!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Silly Bands mean something to me!!

I wear these two silly band bracelets on my right wrist... it's Patrick and Squidward from Spongebob. Before I left, there were these three 6th graders who always made me laugh, and basically helped me survive in that nightmare of a job. I gave each of them 3 silly bands (Spongebob, Squidward and Patrick) and I didn't intend for this to happen, but I started wearing my 3 every day... starting on my last day of work. Never take them off. Well, Spongebob broke a few weeks ago, but Squidward and Patrick are still hanging tough (I brought replacements, but I'm afraid that the other Spongebob will break and then I'll have nothing to hold on to).
Yeah, okay, teachers aren't supposed to have favorites, at least that's what they tell you. They do. It's human nature. So now these silly bands have turned into the students, and I think about them anytime I look at them... which is often since it's t-shirt season, and silly bands aren't around in Japan (kids really like looking at them).
I don't regret leaving, but I regret that I couldn't take them with me... maybe it would inspire them to do something better with their lives. Sorry, this isn't a funny post... I just wish I could say 'hi' to them.

I'm hungry

We all know America has quite the obsession with food. Unfortunately, Japan doesn't share these views:
Want to know how many bowls I got out of that Frosties box? 3. THREE BOWLS.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Grassy Mountain High!

Big surprise today. First I went shopping and since I'm nice, I video taped my shopping experience... and then I got yelled at because it's illegal to video or snap photos of anything (including people) in a GROCERY STORE. So, I thank you Mom, who wanted so badly to share in that experience, but I don't want to end up in the slammer -- although Aomori's prison looks more like an apartment complex! Maybe it's worth a looksies?
So after shopping and eating McDonalds, Ayako and her husband (after her 4 year old son begged and begged for me to come home with them) took all of us to the mountains. It's so close from my apartment and it's gorgeous.
This is some tea thing that says for every drink you drink, you live 3 extra years... or maybe 3 months. I wasn't entirely sure, but either way... those cups weren't sterile 'cause there is NO dishwasher anywhere around. It tasted just like normal tea. Plus who knows what kind of germs I ingested.

Happy water falling (that's the washing pond. Oh, Mom, are you ready to puke yet?)

Our field!! We played sakka (soccer!) and it was VERY NICE.

2 months I've gone without greenery around me and I really hate it. I didn't even mind the scary, hairy spider that Ayako found in the grass in front of her... but I did get up, scream and RUN.

Everyone else had the same idea today. I want a tent. Me and Ayako talked about just MOVING up here... I wanna do it.

Haru-chan!! Little Haru here is holding the ball and saying "Kikku!" (hm, wonder what that means?!) He's 2 years old... gah, I love him.

Parking lot shot! Apparently there are bears up there! But I didn't see any in our hour long visit : /

Other mountainous views.

Everything is different here, but yet it's similar. The grass was the same, tall, itchy grass we have at home. But it's quiet. REALLY quiet... which I don't hear much of living in a crappy city! : P

Friday, June 10, 2011

Gotta save this money now!

I GOT MONEY IN DA BANK! ... to quote Little Scrappy, the rapper. Today was pay day!! My first, FULL paycheck! Unfortunately a chunk of it went to the school, because it was my down payment on my apartment, but I still have twice as much as I made last month and I am pretty happy. Tonight, as I was laying on my couch, I thought about how un-different (yep, not a real word) this place really is. I mean, the language barrier is a nightmare when I'm without my Japanese friends, but I have a routine and my apartment is - well, as Americanized as much as it can be. I just want my dog... and not her hair, which has somehow still survived the journey in epic amounts. Oh, LEXI!!
I was walking around today and these young people (haaaa we're talking like, my age) were doing a public survey about Fukushima. They asked if the Japanese government should keep Fukushima, and continue using some of it, or completely destroy it... GUESS WHAT I VOTED FOR?! GET RID OF THAT HORRIBLE THING!! And I cheered, and they cheered and it was cute. One of them even said "thank you." ENGLISH!!! WOOO!!!! I'm staying hip and cool in Japan. By the way, that column was totally winning over the other one.
But see, without my Japanese friend, Ayako, I wouldn't have been able to have that fun moment. Shows how important they are to me (especially her... good thing she doesn't read this!! hahahaaa)

What is this, amateur hour?!

And you thought the WWE was bad!! I can't stop watching this because of the level of care these guys take with each other. It's so entertaining that I took a video for you all to see Japanese wrestling (yes this is me on Youtube and yes, I never upload videos). It's like watching the old science fiction movies - when everything is supposed to be all serious, but since you possess greater intelligence than a three year old, you're laughing instead.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Skippy peanut butter STINKS!!!

Today I brought in Jif peanut butter for my class of  'older' ladies. (Aka - they're my mom's/dad's age) Japan's peanut butter is REALLY sugary, and I don't plan on ever trying it because:
A. Other Americans who have tried it said it's horrendous.
B. That'd just be a waste of money!
Although they do sell Skippy here - but let's all be honest here... that's the poor man's peanut butter. AHHA! I kid, I kid. But I don't know many people who eat Skippy. Anyway, I let the ladies try Jif on saltine crackers and we all know how peanut butter can quiet a room down with its stickiness. Once they regained the ability to speak they said it was good. I asked if it was better than Skippy. The verdict?
OH YEAH BABY!! I think they were more impressed that this was air mailed from the USA to Japan. That's the stuff I've been living on for a month and a half and when I told them this, one of the ladies said I might get gout. I laughed. That was really sweet, but I haven't heard of anyone getting that from peanut butter. Plus, gout only affects old people, right? Let's just pretend it does, even if it doesn't. I'm not giving up my survival food.
Would you like to know why I have YET to post a video? Because I sound like a man. Perhaps in real life my voice is as low as it is on video and if that's the case, I apologize profusely. I hate my voice so much that I refuse to post it on-line. Maybe one day, if I lose my voice, I'll post a video. I promise :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Where's your card?!

The card wall-of-fame is growing! Can you spot your card? And if you can't, then you haven't sent one (or I forgot to bring it) and that's a darn shame.
I'm also starting a picture wall! But think long and hard before you send a picture... it better be cute/funny... and you better be a friend/family. Actually, sending pictures of things around Cincinnati, like scenery (like, I'm talking a BACKYARD PICTURE because all I see is concrete) would be a cool idea.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hooray for finding English friends!!

Had a really great night last night with an American and a Brit. Well, and of course Japanese. But talking to native English speakers is a really nice change. I mentioned to them about me missing my stupid LAMP and the way it lit the room and they said they actually understood. They told me lamps aren't around in Japan, that everyone's all over overhead lighting (which to me, is stupid. If there's an earthquake, you better not be under a HANGING LIGHT... DUH!) and all lighting is pretty much fluorescent.
We talked about how Japanese TV is just insanely bright compared to American and British TV. There's too many colors. And how everyone pretty much yells in every TV program. See, it's things like these that are refreshing to talk about. Don't get me wrong, I love my Japanese friends. But occasionally it gets tiring having to explain a random phrase or word.
So today was a super nice day outside, I wore shorts and a t-shirt... and went shopping for things I should have bought immediately. Like, measuring cups. But it was hard to find anything with our American measurements. I mean, rulers? Forget about it. I need to ask my mom to ship a stupid RULER.
Wanna see what I made in Japan, with the help of Yuuri?
I took it home with me... I was so proud... but I needed a LOT of help from her! Origami is TOUGH!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Gonna buy a helmet ASAP!

I'm almost finished with putting everything in my apartment together!! Tonight after work, my friend Ayako came over and she helped hang the curtain rod for my all important black-out curtains. Actually, she pretty much did it all... I just stood there and held it up for support. Tee hee... so to repay her, we had a glass of apple cider I bought, and watched a little bit of live American TV. She said she really misses America... I DO TOOOOO.
Nearly CRASHED my bike on the way to work today! Sometimes I have to ride in the street, because my bike isn't a mountain bike and nothing's really smooth in Japan... therefore the road is the best bet. Welp, a car was coming and being a LOSER, I swerved to the side a little too fast in a bit of a panic-mode and kind of went out of control - running into the curb. That's one of those moments where you sit there and go "whoooaaaa!" out loud ...
and then you realize there's an old lady walking on the other side of the street who you KNOW is bashing this stupid foreigner who absolutely doesn't know how to ride a bike in her head. NOT MY FAULT 'O BAACHAN' (grandma)! I feel like I'm in the E.T. movie - with a little basket in the front... and sometimes I have my hood up, 'cause it's cold... I really should have practiced at home before coming here!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Feelin' better.

I feel better today. Last night I couldn't sleep and I suddenly found this image in my head (when I closed my eyes) of my bedroom. I was sitting on my bed, and looking over to the right, I could see my lamp... which has a yellowish glow (aka, it's not fluorescent). I started crying hysterically because I MISS that lamp. I miss the light it cast in my bedroom. Oh gosh there's so many things I miss from that one image, which is absolutely ridiculous.
You'd think I'd cry for my mom. Or dad. Or DOG, OH GOSH MY DOG!! But no, it's lots of tears for a LAMP. A LAMP THAT'S AT LEAST 20 YEARS OLD. When I get back home, I will sit on my bed and look over at that lamp and cry tears of joy. But I mean, I'll joyfully cry for my parents and dog first. Obviously!!
One of the big reasons I came to Japan was SOCCER. I am nuts about their soccer and tonight was the very first national Japan game I got to watch on TV. I felt I needed to eat a bowl of Special K cereal since I was normally up at 5 am back home, huddled in front of my small computer screen, screaming bad words into a pillow when the connection would freeze up -- didn't want to wake up my mom and dad. Sometimes Dad came into my room... pretty mad, too. Now I can watch the glory in HD.... on a TV.... eating DINNER.... screaming like a nutcase and wouldn't you know it, they ended up tying.
Step it up, Japan. I didn't come all this way for you people to succeed in mediocrity.
Even better, I get to watch commercials! I REALLY DO enjoy these babies... case in point:
I'll never eat food the same way again. At least I can laugh every day at silly things like this.


I wanna go home.