Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Saturday, October 1, 2011

my 7th graders!

Sorry it's been a while.
But there's really just nothing new. All I do is work and then go home and play games on my new PS3. I tend to lose track of time and then glance at my blinding blue clock in the living room and yell when it reads 3:10 AM. 
It has gotten cold, fast. Right now the temp is at 46 and it's been raining for a few days. Today was super windy too. I haven't used the kerosene yet but I really may have to this weekend. Cold rain is the worst. I'd really prefer snow at this point.
MY PARENTS ARE APPARENTLY COMING IN UNDER 2 WEEKS?!!? (Not a good sign that even THEY don't know what day they'll arrive... aaand I'm not sure how they'll call me but we'll figure something out)
So tonight my apartment was in serious need of cleaning. And that's what I did: vacuumed, did some laundry, cleaned the dishes, the sinks, the mirror, the toilet, cleaned out the 'garbage disposal' (a disgusting and smelly task), took out the garbage and now all I have to do is change my sheets and pump! Up the bed -- HAA!! If you read that to the tune of the 80's song, you're the greatest.



Anonymous said...

Great classroom shot...why is he wearing a mask? Do a lot of people there still do that?

Melissa said...

He was sick. They're very polite when they're sick and wear masks. I was teasing him because it was Mentos day in class and I asked him how he was going to eat it with the mask on.

Anonymous said...

By the way...it's in the low 80's in Colorado right now....see, when you come back you need to get a teaching job there....
Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

From Mom-Do you have masks? Should I buy some? You know I'll have sinus or allergies or something that will offend someone. I probably won't buy them because I am running out of time. But I'm sure they are available!! Love Mom MILY. See you tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

You HAVE to get a picture of your mom in a mask!! xoxo aunt jenni