Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Japan's rockin' itself out!!

It's been quite some time since we've had our last earthquake here in Aomori (I'm talking a few weeks, people) and the earth valiantly made up for our shake-free society earrrly this morning:
4:26am  Magnitude 6.3
6:08am  Magnitude 5.9
6:36am  Magnitude 5.7
7:41am  Magnitude 5.7
And for just FOR THE FUN OF IT, we had another one today at 4:34pm that was a Magnitude 5.6.
I am completely exhausted. Even the people of Japan, who are used to this kind of thing, all woke up multiple times early this morning. It doesn't help that most of us have our cell phones set to alert us to larger scale earthquakes - they make such a lovely, NOISY chime. This kind of occurrence is not normal. Literally, the earth just kept moving and moving. They weren't super violent, but I could hear the crap in the metal closets outside my door banging around. Only when they stopped did I know the shaking was over. Doesn't mean my body thought that way ... nearly slammed into the door on my way to the potty during/after? the first earthquake.
Please, earth.... no more tonight. I wanna sleep!!!

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