Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Clean apartment!

Man that business class was ROUGH. I really don't enjoy teaching/talking for 3 hours so it was intense. I made it, and surprisingly my second hour flew by (I was reviewing business and friendly introductions) but I always feel like I'm not teaching them the correct things. Like, have I ever worked for a corporation in a company? Nope. Can't really teach you how to introduce other clients because I've never SEEN IT IN PERSON.
I hope I don't have to do this. I hope they find someone else. Honestly, it wouldn't be bad at all, BUT IT'S 3 HOURS. I have 2 classes on Wednesday and I'm looking forward to them. They're ONLY 90 minutes!
In other news, Melissa ordered food at McDonalds all by herself!! She only wanted a cheeseburger, but didn't see it, so she just ordered the "Big Mac Set." There was a very nice lady who stepped in and tried to help because she knew some English. She told me just a minute (because the fries weren't ready) then brought them and 2 packs of ketchup over to me after a few minutes. That was SO SWEET. SUCH NICE MCDONALDS WORKERS! I TOOK A PICTURE OF MY ACCOMPLISHMENT:

Also went out and bought some crazy stuff. A piece of crap vacuum (but I can't complain. It worked and picked up a TON of hair.... thaaaank you!!) and a SUPER bright LED clock... didn't realize it's as bright as it is. But at least I can sit in my living room and never have to guess the time anymore! And finally I bought a toy for Little Lexi.... it's a baby shoe, with a squeaker in it. She'll destroy it in 5 minutes I'm sure, but they just don't make durable, fun toys for big dogs because they're not very common here. Oh and then I bought a bobble head that reacts to sound because it's cute AND I LIKE TOYS.

Which looks brighter to you?!


Anonymous said...

Now you have a nightlight too! Love Mom MILY

Anonymous said...

you know your daddy would have to cover that clock with a cool bandana. proud of your mc'd's order--looks correct. have a feeling your folks are going to be eating there A LOT.

if that vacuum can suck up all your hair--it's not a piece of crap!

If you need any advice on "business talk" call Alex. Your mom & i called him on his bday just to hear him answer the phone. He did a real good job--"C Bank this is Alex how can i help you." Yep, we was very proud! xoxo aunt jenni