Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I'm prepared for emergency!

First, I was going to write about how this woman came in with 3 little boys for a level check with the new teacher, and how I managed to keep them calm and quiet, and had the baby telling me all about Pikachu and the noises he makes which was SO CUTE.
And then I was going to tell you that my boss made me ... angry because she didn't like the lesson plans I spent an hour working on.
But finally, I thought I should share with you this:
This is Typhoon Roke, currently a Category 4. Yeah, that's a big one!! Bigger than Talas. This one WILL hit Aomori, and we have an advisory up, but EVERYONE else below has a warning. Now, I would be happy and excited and all of that -- and I am, but this is also going to directly hit Fukushima. I don't know what will happen. I can't imagine it will tear open the reactors and stuff will start pouring into the air. But the prefecture's warning contains lots of disheartening terms including: gale, storm surge, high waves, and heavy rain. Actually stopping to think of this right now makes my stomach hurt, so I'm not going to.
It'll be fine. They have it under control, it's just leakage they are struggling with right now, yeah?
I'll keep you updated as long as the power is on. Apparently the north tends to lose power because our lines are wimpy. Don't worry Mom, I have my flashlights and canned foods, water and blankets. And I can probably still call you tomorrow night on Skype on my way home from work (it's my travel night)!!
Plus, knowing my luck, NOTHING will happen and we won't even get the typhoon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're prepared. See all the food hoarding your grew up with has paid off!! Stay safe--and don't be a hero. Those business men can learn English tomorrow if you don't feel safe traveling today. xoxo aunt jenni

**I HATE it when you work forever on something and someone doesn't like your idea. Makes me think of Uncle Dale :-)