Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Monday, May 30, 2011

Welcome Party!!!!

Oh Japan and its parties. I'm sorry I didn't update about the par-tay sooner, I've just been lazy :/

HERE WE GO! This is my welcome party! My camera DIED, so all of these pictures were taken with my iphone...
Me and my buddy Yutaka:


I love this. Ayako with her face in her drink, Shigeru and Edo :)

HAHAHHA. This is the best! Nobu couldn't come to my party - he was taking an English test in Tokyo so I promised him I'd take a picture holding this sign. And Asuka is making her 'squishy American face' which is priceless!

Bunches of people in this... eating lots of food.

Tatsuya has a headache?

Aww Yutaka's way in the back, then Yoshio, Nozomi and ... I don't know.

Yutaka, Tatsuya and Yoshihito. We made a pit stop at this little hole in the wall bar, where such a cute old man works. He tried to talk to me in English.

Putting our names in for KARAOKE.

Edo and Nozomi look very happy while waiting.

Edo with the special drink list.


So that's a taste of how the Japanese party. It was really fun and karaoke is a BLAST! Each group gets its own private room and it has cool lighting plus an air conditioner because it gets REALLY hot when you're belting out Japanese/English tunes. Funny part of the night: being kind of tall there, I totally didn't see a tiny bench in front of me while I was walking to karaoke and walked smack into it. Now I have a really cool softball-sized bruise on my left shin! Ah, I look so tough.

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