Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


There is absolutely nothing new to report guys... I'm sorry. Actually, there's probably lots I could write on, but to me it's not new/interesting. Let me rack my brain for a moment. Well, I managed to find a Japanese soccer game in advance and taped it! It's hard when you push 'guide' to see what's on TV and all you see are psychotic symbols everywhere. So that was somewhat of a victory. And American baseball is on every morning! They typically only show American League teams (or teams that have Japanese players) so I have never seen the Reds. Still, it's nice to watch our teams in English.
I miss English TV. So I watch it every chance I get -- which means like yesterday, I watched an episode of the PowerPuff Girls JUST because it's in English. Oh, dear.
Okay, one more piece of news. My head boss came to visit last week and today and she said I'm a really good teacher TWICE. She didn't even say it to me today, but told someone in the office. So at least I feel somewhat confident that what I'm doing is on the right track! Yay Melissa, you're so awesome :P

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