Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Years in Japan

Alright so New Year's Eve in Japan is definitely not like back home.
First, there is like, NO ONE OUT. I walked to Jonathan's at like, 9 pm and there wasn't a soul out on the streets. Usually I'll pass a handful of people. So we had a nice dinner, spaghetti and cheesy bread and we played a game on our iphones until 11:30 when I told him I wanted to go to a shrine. SO WE WENT!
Very crowded! First we waited in a mob of people until the stroke of midnight, where people began moving forward, throwing a coin in the offering, ringing a giant bell and praying. I was SO NERVOUS. But I think I did okay. I gave 100 yen and a quarter! A little souvenir from the foreigner (and a thank you to the people who tolerated us!)

From my eye, this is how high the snow was at the shrine. So the snow is a liiittle bit shorter than me. That's a Japanese maple tree tied to a pole. And the giant rope display behind it? Also for trees. Pretty cool. 

There were 4 other small places to throw up a prayer. Apparently my one for the health and safety for the people of Japan wasn't good enough since Tokyo had a magnitude 7 quake today in the middle of the soccer game!

Leaving, but wanted to get another shot of the front. This was at 12:30 - that's a lot of people.

It was different and people were nice. They're always so nice to me, Jonathan HATES it. They basically don't even look at him - like, look right through him. But they'll come right up to me and try to talk or smile. Anyway, I had a group of JHS boys tell me it was cold out, and one said 'Happy New Year' which was really sweet. Then I had 2 dads of small toddlers bring their kids over and make their kids say 'bye bye' and high five me, then fist pump, then wave. THAT was cuuuute. Very friendly kids!!

I had some pocket change so I bought a 'communion' (that's what I'm calling it) where you get a small bit of rice in your hand and a saucer of sake to take at the shrine. Then I bought a fortune and I can't read a darn thing, so I took pictures and hopefully one of my Japanese friends can tell me what's in store. And finally, I bought a small souvenir - it's a small green pouch with Japanese writing and inside is a small rigid bookmark type of thing. I dunno, but I had a LOT of fun.

We were going to go to Tokyo tomorrow but that's not going to happen. Japan closes ALL ATM's for like, 4 days. I have no way to get money out, so I can't buy a train ticket or ANYTHING there. That's seriously disappointing. Plus, now I'm ultra poor and I can forget about the Lucky Bags in Japan this year :(


Anonymous said...

Love the pix. Sorry about Jonathan. Of course seeing a red head especially a PRETTY red head is probably more exciting and definitely different in Japan than poor old Jonathan! We got SURPRISE snow today. Only about half an inch but it caused a ton of wrecks. Good ol cinci. Have a good end of ur vacation and GO to Tokyo another weekend in January. I love you!! Only three months left! Love mom MILY.

Heh I beat aunt jenni!

Anonymous said...

I love all your new years ideas and pics! Your dad was telling me about your trip to the temple. Remember that Nick show--the hidden temple of doom(?)--was it like that? with trap doors and did you have to wear a helmet? That's what I'm picturing.

Hope all your prayers/wishes come true. Sorry you can't make it to Tokyo this week--but make sure you go! Don't you dare come home having not traveled to Tokyo.

Almost time to start packing to come home!!!! xoxox aunt jenni

and congrats go out to sisser for winning this round!