Ramen Noodles

Ramen Noodles

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Earthquake remembrance

In a little more than 12 hours - exactly one year ago today, the mega earthquake and tsunami struck Tohoku. I find it very moving, and I wanted to remember in the way those here are planning. So I asked my adult students. What will they do?


Seriously. They told me nothing. I don't understand this way of behavior and I find it appalling. On 9/11 we have minutes of silence, we pray, we re-watch what happened on the TV - all of that. And yet here, one year later, nothing to it. One of my students said she would go to a devastated area and spend money at stores and restaurants, but in like a month from now. I think maybe one or two students will say a prayer. That's it. I don't know, maybe because it's a Sunday and it's a weekend? There's coverage on TV and talk, but nothing else major. I'm sure in the devastated areas they will remember, hold moments of silence, what have you.

But the rest of the country (or at least this part of Tohoku!) appears not to be shedding any tears over the matter. Oh, yeah, was that today? Oh well. Let's ignore the fact that this disaster nearly destroyed this country.

I guess it's a cultural thing. But I'm so disappointed in all of these people. I'll remember, even if I came a little later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Understand what you're saying, it's probably a cultural thing. Maybe that's why they're so resilient--they accept and move on. we tend to hold on to things. Be sure to say your prayer--might be the only Chrisitan prayer going up in all of Japan! xoxoxo aunt jenni